Protect Your Family — Protect Your Future

Modification Of Judgments & Orders

Lawyer or judge consult meeting with client at a law firm about legal legislation in courtroom
Statue of justice, burden of proof, law theme

Child Custody, Child Support And Spousal Support Modifications

Simply modifying a divorce judgment or order is not all that simple. You must be able to prove substantial change of circumstance — a change so significant that you are entirely unable to fulfill the terms of the original agreement or order.

Modifying Child Support Or Spousal Support

To be able to modify a child support or spousal support order, you must be able to produce evidence of a substantial change of income or ability to pay, which may result from:
The recipient of support payments may also seek modification of orders if it can be shown that the spouse making support payments did not disclose certain assets or income when the initial judgment was made.

Modifications, if necessary, will be made in your child’s best interests.

Without attorney representation, your best interests may not be adequately protected, and the proper argument may not be made for your child’s best interests.

Modifying Child Custody Orders

At Elkodssi Law Office in Dearborn, we always place children’s best interests first. The Michigan family law court does the same.

If you wish to modify your visitation schedule, parenting plan or custody order, it is critical to seek the assistance of an experienced lawyer. Mr. El Kodssi has over 15 years of legal experience. He has been handling family law matters for clients in the U.S. since 2005, and he also resolves international child custody disputes for clients in the U.S. and abroad.

Our firm has a wealth of experience and a record of success with modifications of judgments and orders on behalf of our clients.

Whether you are concerned for your child’s safety, are seeking more quality time with your child or feel that your parental rights are marginalized, please get in touch with us to discuss your legal options.

Concepts of corruption, bankruptcy courts
Wooden Gavel With Golden Scale On Table

Speak With Hayssam A. El Kodssi About Modification

Please email our firm or call us at (313) 406-8935 to schedule a meeting to discuss your unique situation. Mr. El Kodssi is compassionate, dedicated and straightforward concerning your legal issues.

We provide services in English, Arabic and French.

Get in Touch with Elkodssi Law Office

Connect with us to discuss your legal concerns or to schedule a consultation. Our responsive team at Elkodssi Law Office is ready to provide the support and guidance you need.


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